Thread: WWE Off-Topic
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Old 05-09-2012, 11:56 PM   #24
Asst 2 the Comm Manager
TheShizNo1's Arena
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Originally Posted by ProfessaPackMan
Curious to get some of the OS Wrestling Experts' thoughts on this, which I thought was an interesting read:
Nice read, but I think it's a little too deep. Meaning, the way story lines play out, I'm not sure they were setting Cena up for these awesome story telling matches. I could be wrong though. Punk was as hot as he'd ever been. It made no sense for The Rock to win, other than, it was The Rock. I agree w/ the Brock stuff to a degree. I like how they present Johnny Ace. To me, it's been that since Cena has been on top, they just haven't given him anyone. His feud w/ Miz and Punk were good. Even Brock. But it's a one and done thing. How many times did we see a combination of SCSA versus The Rock versus Triple H versus The Undertaker? They just had to develop new stories, better matches. They don't do that now. No reason there can't be different versions of Punk versus Cena versus Miz versus Ziggler.

So they have their golden child, but many times don't know what to do w/ him, b/c he always has to be the underdog or "I bleed for his company yada yada" character. That's why fans have been screaming for, not just a heel turn, but at the very least a character change.
Originally Posted by Mo
Just once I'd like to be the one they call a jerk off.
Originally Posted by Mo
You underestimate my laziness
Originally Posted by Mo
**** ya

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