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Old 05-11-2012, 05:13 PM   #68
jmurphy31's Arena
OVR: 21
Join Date: Jun 2008
Re: Madden NFL 13 Partners with NFL Films, Brings Back QB Cadences and More

On paper, I love these new additions/changes, but I still need to see the implementation of them in the game (especially the commentary). Two years ago I think IGN had the article on Gus Johnson being in the game and they played the clip of him doing actual play by play and it sounded great. Then we got the actual game. The commentary just never fit in (random pauses, excitement for no reason) and it also was incorrect a lot of the time (Welker is one of the best QB's in the league)

I am hoping for the best. The last line Nantz says about the team winning without their star running back has a ton of potential to add to franchise mode if its implemented right (If Steven Ridley is injured I wouldn't want to hear that). I hope they ahve a ton of those type of audio tracks though
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