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Originally Posted by CPRoark |
I'm completely in agreement with you (and others) on the end result. Beating the Red Sox with their line-up intact should score higher than one without their stars.
Let me throw out another hypothetical, one that actually grounded a little in reality. When I was a kid, Topps release "Gold Cards," which were premium cards with fancy embossing and extra glossiness. One year, each pack had a scratch off ticket. It was a picture of the field, with a scratch-off at each of the bases.
If I recall, the goal of the game was to find three matching symbols before your scratched off the one that was different. If you did, you won whatever prize was under another scratch off field. Pretty much like an instant lottery ticket.
Anyway, some kid on my bus found out that by holding a flashlight against the back of the card it became easy to see the differing symbol. Suddenly, everyone was winning the prizes (which I think were mostly free packs of cards).
Suppose a company ran a similar contest today, with higher stakes...say, $1,000,000. And, by accident, you find that holding the ticket up to light reveals the matching symbols. Would you do it?
I suppose an ethics professor would suggest that the morally correct thing to do would be to abstain from entering the contest, since you had discovered a loophole not covered in the rules. You aren't defacing the ticket or being fraudulent. You just stumbled upon a method for winning that was stupidly unforeseen by the company.
I would suggest that the majority of people would enter anyway.
Again, I'm sort of playing devil's advocate here, and think that those players who tweaked line-ups should be ranked lower than those who didn't. But in the end, it comes down to 2K's screw up. I think when this much money is on the line, "spirit of the rules" becomes too vague to trust.
This is a wonderful comparison; it virtually mirrors the situation at hand.
Ahhh...the mountainous 'what if's!!!!' I think it says a lot about my moral compass when I hesitate to predict my hypothetical actions when the prize changes from a free pack of cards to a $1,000,000 cash mattress.
And yes, if I ever won a cool million, night one I'd sleep on it. That was not an iTouch predicative dictionary typo. I meant mattress when I said it.
Though, when I really analyze this, I can't justify the flashlight trick being any different than knowing an ex-Topps employee, one that used to work in the printing section, TELLING me the patterns in which to scratch the lottery ticket in.
Or is it different? Perhaps maybe it is...
Ugh, I'll be hypothesizing all day long now about this, and what it would be like NOT to be broke in the process.
Thanks. Thanks a lot!!!!!