05-16-2012, 04:48 PM
2001 2002 Roster With REDitor!
File Name: 2001-2002 Roster REDitor
GT: B ROSS1213
I have spent numerous hours and hard work on this roster with help of my partner Ewingandoakley, his was a 2 man job. He started a thread about this season and I fell in love with his teams in the era where I grew up on the NBA. In this season every team is retro with the 01-02 marking in front. Accurate uniforms are set to the year as defaults. If there was a coach on the disk he was assigned to the team. I added portraits and look a like cyberfaces as well. I did not do ratings that credit goes to ewing.
Credit to : gatorbait49, ewingandoakley, portlandblazer and PaulPierce for helping me, and BAROCKAFELLA