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Old 05-18-2012, 05:25 PM   #264
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Gameplay Video - Oregon vs. USC - Part 2

Originally Posted by volwalker
My opinions on NCAA 13 and EA/NCAA in General:

• Someone will always complain about CPU players not acting like they real world counterparts (psychic defensive backs, super linebackers, etc.) regardless of what EA gives us ever year. Go back and read the reviews and play the games of the “Golden Age” of NCAA Football, that being (in my opinion) from 2003-06. I loved 2004 and DB play (due to it being to easy to too many receivers getting open) was terrible in that game, and according to several reviews, I was not alone here. So what did EA do in 2005, they created the psychic defensive backs. In 06, my favorite game of the PS2 era, brought forth super linebackers. These are the same so-called problems that we have seen for almost a decade and we act like this stuff has never happened until the past few years. There were lots of things messed up in the “Golden Age” on yet we act like those games set the standard for NCAA Football which is not fair for the current gen-series. The video here is no different that those classic games regarding how players act and react on the field so stop complaining about it. You will always find something wrong with it so why complain?

• Regarding commentary/studio updates/and anything regarding sounds and visuals. Don’t complain about “dead air time”. Again go back and play 03-06. Dead air in abundance. Studio updates and bottom line tickers are awesome features this year and you know it. It just brings more immersion to your dynasty and the game in general. Are you that tore up that Reece Davis doesn’t sound perfect? Just be thrilled that it is finally in the game. Trust me, you will enjoy Dynasty mode more with studio updates and the ticker alone.

• Another thing regarding visuals: stop complaining about the game only having 35 helmets, not enough length in the socks, “wrong” facemasks, etc. You can not tell the difference between all of that stuff when you are actually playing the game. If you are that tore up over why EA went with Haynes underwear instead of Fruit of the Loom for the players to wear then there is no way to please you as a gamer. (joking about the underwear but I think I proved my point

• If you are not excited about the removal of “Roulette Recruiting” alone than no one can please you as a gamer. This alone is enough reason to get really excited about Dynasty mode this year. And I did not even mention the new scouting feature.

• After reading on the Gaming Tailgate about how they tweaked the Spread Option (you know what I am talking about) this will complete change the way we play NCAA Football. I have a good feeling that the Spread Option will effective. Just don’t complain about a certain aspect of gameplay being too effective.

• BOTTOM LINE: Stop requesting a complete overhaul of every single thing in the game. There were no major overhauls in the “Golden Age” games yet everybody treats them as “perfection”. You are putting EA in a no win situation with that mentality and expectation.
Just because people can find something to complain about, means that they shouldn't? That makes no sense. People want to play a good college football game that immerses them in the sport, not a game that makes them want to rage because of the lack of proper gameplay mechanics, or poor presentation, or inaccurate and outdated equipment.

If we just accepted everything as is and never complained or critiqued or expressed their malcontent, there would be no reason for innovation or progress.

I'm still reserving my judgment for when I play the game, as I'm on the fence about the game right now.
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