If you were impressed, fine. I however was not in the least bit. I could list my complaints, but its easier to just say i share the same sentiments as the other community members.
And to your comparison of 2K, people spoke of Harlan because of his talent, not because of his library of dialogue. So the fact that he has been in the NBA 2k series since 2k6 is irrelevant. He is a seasoned game commentator who has proven that he can capture the energy of a game moment through his voice, all while sitting in a game studio somewhere.
And you speak as if they are to get some pass because its supposed to be their first iteration of this commentary team and tech, but MLB 2k9 was in a similar position and their commentary was actually impressive when debuted, check it out.
Now compare what you just heard to what has been displayed with gameplay for Madden 13.