05-30-2012, 11:00 AM
The Lama
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Parkland, Florida
Posts: 21,269
Re: Top Five NCAA Football 12 Slider Sets
It all depends what your looking to get out of the game. If you want challenge against the CPU Heisman is where your going to go. It is hard and the CPU will win at all costs.
If you want a good game, organic animations and feel and a feeling of ratings mattering you go Varsiety or AA sliders. I have tried Heisman and found the game too tough for me.....everyones playing skill is different.
It is totally subjective and the best thing to do is fool around with different bases and tweak from there. What drives me crazy is when some posters go into slider threads and start getting hostile at the OP.....then go tweak your own set.
It is a community effort. It is time and energy and all the OP is doing is sharing their custom settings. They may or may not work for you. If they don't move on.
Use the slider makers set's as a base to start your own custom tweaking to get what you want out of the game. In the end.....if your not having fun....it's your fault (or the game for that matter)....not the slider set LOL!!!
I look forward to helping out with NCAA and Madden 13 this year (granted I end up keeping the games within the first month of release...hope I do because that will mean they are very good). I have high hopes with the all new pass trajectory system and next week we find out if we will get some type of RTP engine or tuning enhancment to tackling and player movement.
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Last edited by Armor and Sword; 05-30-2012 at 02:58 PM.