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Old 05-30-2012, 04:10 PM   #27
EA Game Changer
gschwendt's Arena
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Join Date: May 2003
Location: Little Rock, AR
Re: Another big announcement for NCAA 13?

Originally Posted by Hova57
i don't think it will have anything to do with the Heisman, they already dedicating time to that. I read over at tgt that there was one more gameplay feature not released.
Just wanted to come back and address this since I said I would. The "feature" that was mentioned on TGT awhile back was more of the guy knowing that they moved the option pitch away from the L2/LT button so he knew that there would be some reason/game-mechanic to explain that.

The reason is due to the Reaction Time. Since it's now on the L2/LT button, they had to adjust the option pitch around. That's why option pitch is now the L1 button and the fake pitch is flicking the right stick down.

That's all it was referring to and that's why I wanted to make sure to temper expectations.
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