Operation Sports Forums - View Single Post - Real Time Physics Just Announced for Madden NFL 13
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Old 06-05-2012, 01:37 AM   #183
OVR: 22
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Illinois USA
Re: Real Time Physics Just Announced for Madden NFL 13

Wow.. just got home from work to see the good news.. nice!!! Hope they will reveal more info though.

Hopefully in the next day or so we'll get some regular gameplay footage,etc. I believe and i could be wrong but the next day at E3 is where they open the floors for everyone to try demo's,etc? Yes? No?

Anyways.. im really glad to see some REAL improvements to the engine..

Things i am hoping to see in the coming days..

1. Play-by-Play commentary

2. The new presentation aspects in motion (cut scenes, half time stuff, offline franchise,etc) Personally dont care about online stuff.

3. How the running game is this year

4. Plethora of in-game footage

5. The camera options

So far so good.. i couldn't believe the trolls in here bashing the game after this big "physics engine" announcement for Madden...come on peeps..give the dev's some props..they have done a ton of improvements this year..more than any other year i can think of.
..You win some, you lose some

Last edited by Moegames; 06-05-2012 at 02:08 AM.
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