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Old 06-05-2012, 09:45 AM   #79
OVR: 6
Join Date: May 2004
Re: Madden NFL 13 Video - Physics You Can Feel

Haven't purchased Madden since 08...

...still won't until it actually feels different.

Those wanting some of us to give EA some was given a long time ago and almost yearly until some of us had enough after 08. I really, really hope this year is different but man when your expectations are constantly crushed yearly it is just not enough to hope anymore.

And I laugh at those who've proclaimed day 1 purchase after seeing this footage. I was in that boat too...saw gang tackling, no WR/CB interaction, etc. Never really turned out exactly as they described and almost always a game breaker.

How will they implement this in game while taking attributes into account?
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