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Old 06-07-2012, 06:09 PM   #26
OVR: 12
Join Date: Jul 2002
Re: NCAA Football 13 CPU vs CPU Gameplay from E3 - Georgia Tech vs Clemson

Defense still reacts instantly and plays behind the line of scrimmage. Defenders never take a false step. D-linemen never get caught in any trash. They pursue ridiculously fast. Pitch relationship seems better but, it appears one guy can still cover the QB and RB. All in all tackle animations are too fast and engulfing and defenders change direction in such an unrealistic way that one player can cover both QB and RB. If defenders are going to react that quickly maybe the pitch itself needs to be sped up.

The one play where the QB kept the ball was nice. Mechanically the offense is making the correct reads its just the defense reacts too fast. Where the defenders should be stringing plays out and staying parallel to the line of scrimmage they're attacking full bore. In real life you'd be able to kill a defense that's coming at you down hill with quick cuts upfield while still keeping a pitch relationship. Oh well. From time to time it looks like the option will work but, its still a little wonky.
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