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Old 06-08-2012, 04:02 PM   #8
Big FN Deal
Big FN Deal's Arena
OVR: 33
Join Date: Aug 2011
Re: Official Madden 13 E3 Video Thread Part 2

I just watched some of that Zfarls video with Giants and Pats so I have a question for anyone that went to CE.

Did Madden 13 remove the mechanic where if on defense a User manually moves players all over the field, they automatically go back to their original spot when non-User controlled? Or did they take that out in M12 and I just didn't notice it?

Watching that video, they are manually moving defenders and they are staying put. Also, I will be heading over to the EAGC website to ask something be done about audibles and hot routes for Madden 14. There needs to be some kind of realistic communication represented so gamers can't play a sandlot game of football at the LOS, with every team and personnel.
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