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Old 06-10-2012, 10:36 PM   #5
StanleyStutters's Arena
OVR: 8
Join Date: Jun 2012
Re: Ask and you shall receive...

Long term I believe it will be worth it. I expect that a few years down the road CC will be an excellent mode that will include most, if not all, of the missing features. Speaking solely about this year I am looking forward to the new engine and Connected Careers mode, but I'm disappointed by some of the missing features.

Importing draft classes is a feature I always enjoyed, but I understand why they left it out. It was a feature that never really worked properly and I don't have a problem with them holding it off until they get it working. I expect we could be without this feature for the immediate future.

Edit players is something I really enjoyed and I don't understand why it is missing. It was a great feature that I think a lot of people enjoyed. It has been called a "minor feature", but I think they underestimated how many people really enjoyed using it. I expect it will be back by Madden 14.

No multiple team control and no offline "couch co-op" in CC is the biggest loss for me. Like editing players I don't understand why we don't have the ability to have two controllers on the same team in an offline CC. This was a feature I have been using in Madden games for the last 10+ years and I'm very disappointed that it won't be included in this year's game. I'm hoping we get this back for Madden 14, but I'm not sure we will.
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