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Old 06-11-2012, 05:09 PM   #25
volwalker's Arena
OVR: 3
Join Date: Jun 2011
With the demo, I am having significant trouble reading the defense (with regards to the passing game). Apparently in NCAA 13 motioning a receiver to tell whether the defense is in Man or Zone does not work anymore. Several times I would motion to see if CB would move with my WR but am getting different results than the norm that we are all used to seeing (CB moves with the WR = Man, etc.). Because of this my passing game has been non-existent even though I like what EA has done with rehauling the passing game. Since this strategy is no longer valid, can anyone help me how to read defenses? I am sure that there are lots of gamers who never used motion in the first place who thrive in the passing game and any help and tips would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
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