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Old 06-11-2012, 08:37 PM   #63
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Re: Run/Pass Commit IN Madden 13 Make it More Realistic

Originally Posted by Tyrant8RDFL
I would feel perfectly fine with it, and actually I would love it.

If they implement it exactly how you presented it then it would be a perfect addition to the game, and would add another level of realism to it.

I think what makes this a confusing matter , well for me anyways. Is the name Defense commit. They should called it defense awareness, and implement it exactly the way you presented it. This way it sounds correct , and makes better sense.

Im sure they have seen this thread and hopefully have time to properly implement it, but Im feeling that they can't. I can't see why something like this in regards to proper movement of the lineman and LB's has not been corrected years ago. This is why I dont think it can be done, and since it cant be done. I feel the whole hit and miss is the best way to go , so this feature can be hardly used.

Was there a reason why they couldn't implement the movement correctly? Was it present in any of the Madden since the current gen? Just curious. Thanks
Great set of questions you raise here. And now it makes me a bit skeptical of who we are dealing with. I think you are right. What would be the reason why they couldn't implement this correctly years ago? Does it break something? Would they rather have all or nothing game play for balance in the online and competitive communities? I'm not sure what would be the thought process. Maybe if crash right and left worked like we are thinking then does that really screw up the pass blocking? Not sure what to think.
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