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Old 06-11-2012, 09:49 PM   #389
Big FN Deal
Big FN Deal's Arena
OVR: 33
Join Date: Aug 2011
Re: CC Feature - Most Disappointment

@Kaiser Wilhelm and KBLover, do you think more people will try CCM as is with or without the options to customize it?

I think without the customized options more gamers will rather make the best of it and try it out than not play at all. Of that group, I believe gamers that would have otherwise opted to keep the game as familiar as possible and not fully delve into it, may end up enjoying it. I could be completely off base but I think at least part of these restrictions is a ploy to promote more gamers to get online, even if just for the web management, like with NCAA Dynasty.

I am not anti-option, in fact I am all for options but I just don't see it as that unusual for EA/Tiburon to introduce something new with limited options in its' first year.
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