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Old 06-12-2012, 11:20 AM   #81
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Re: Run/Pass Commit IN Madden 13 Make it More Realistic

Video from NCAA 13 demo on the way about this stuff. Yikes

Here is the video. Interesting things. On the crashes to the right the DLinemen did not take the next gap over. They just stood where they lined up and got blocked there. He either beat the block or not. But when run committing in that same direction, it basically looked like the OL got screwed up and just forgot to block people. The run commit has the DL crashing so far in the direction that you commit. It's like BLIND Football. Forget everything else and go that way.

The other thing that was really interesting and did not make sense was that I purposely shifted the defense out of position and because I selected run commit the direction of the run, I was still able to blow up the run the majority of the time. This makes no sense. Goes completely against run defensive football fundamentals. One of the first things that must happen when defending the run is we must align our front properly or we are already beaten. As you can see toward the latter portion of the video, we are outmanned on a side and still stop the run just because I picked the run commit to that side. This is kinda sloppy. I should have ran quarters and see what I could have done out of that.

I think the crash right/left need to be like the run commit, but the movement much less extreme. It should simply be next gap over. This way the run commit can be saved for Goal line, 3rd and 4th and inches situations. The remainder of the game you should be able to set your run fits how you like and see guys man gaps and play fundamental defensive football.

Also Big and Taz, I think I know why the run commit was added to Madden NCAA back in 2005. QB Sneak and FB Dive out of Goal Line sets were unstoppable. So rather than getting the interior line to fire off the ball and getting the linebackers who were basically standing right there some intelligence, they came up with this feature. They added right and left run commit for tosses and the juke glitch probably. When they first had it it was just for the middle. It wasn't until later that they added left and right commit.

Last edited by LBzrule; 06-12-2012 at 12:50 PM.
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