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Old 06-12-2012, 02:03 PM   #419
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by aholbert32
Here is my issue:

I see a TON of people in this forum saying "CCM is great" "Its so innovative" etc but hardly any of you have actually seen or played this mode. You are all going off of blogs and impressions by Game Changers. Even the GCs only saw a offline version of this mode in May. So what exactly are you basing this optimism on?

On the other hand, we have several people who are down on the mode. The difference is they have legitimate reasons to be down on the mode. They have confirmed that there is no editing, no multi team franchise, no NCAA import and very limited control over rosters. These things have been confirmed. But all I hear is "Give the mode a chance" "You wanted improvements and now you are complaining" "You are complaining before actually playing the mode".

The people who are down on the game are actually more justified with their complaints than the people who are positive right now. Why? Because the complainers know that key components of the game (to them) are missing. The praisers of the mode are going off of blogs and impressions (pretty much EA advertisements because of who they are coming from) to base their excitement.

I'm not gonna knock any one who is excited about this mode. I hope just as you do that the mode is going to be bug free and have intelligent AI. But dont knock me for being skeptical based on the Madden team's track record and the missing features.
This is a very fair and legitimate post. That's exactly how I feel about Madden's gameplay. Also, you are right about CCM, as none of us have actually been able to try it. I based my opinion off of EA's presentation. No offense to anyone, but I don't put any stock in gamechangers or other folks' "reviews". Everyone has an opinion. I saw Looman's blog and I was impressed. This, like everything else, depends on if it actually works.

In short, I agree with everything you just said, and I can completely relate because that is EXACTLY how I feel about gameplay.
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