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Old 06-13-2012, 03:16 AM   #709
mestevo's Arena
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Not that I want to get into the way of the lynch mob, but he is talking in general about wedging things in at the last minute causing problems, not working properly, etc. You change part of an application and it can cause any number of unintended consequences, leading to rounds of bug fixing and QA to an already significant overhaul to the franchise and superstar modes and the implementation of the infinity engine.

At some point you have to determine the minimum viable product, develop it, and build on it from there. Obviously things weren't able to make it back in, many are understandably upset, but I'm excited to see where the franchise goes from here.

Software development/project management 101 for the most part.

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Last edited by mestevo; 06-13-2012 at 03:21 AM.
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