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Old 06-13-2012, 09:10 PM   #1158
Madwolf's Arena
OVR: 9
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Louisville, KY
Re: NCAA Football 13 Demo Is Out, Post Your Impressions Here

Definitely like the demo so far, and here's what I think:

The feel is definitely different for this years game in a very good way. The movement feels much more realistic. The game looks pretty good, and the new additions of the ticker at the bottom and in game updates are pretty neat, if a bit annoying at the moment due to the limited time available.

Passing is definitely improved. The lob on the ball is much more realistic, and while I haven't gotten it completely down yet, it is certainly going to pay dividends once I do.

The movement of the QB in the pocket has slowed down a lot, which is a good thing. I feel like I have more control on his actions, and avoiding the sack. It also forces you to be the type of QB that you have recruited. If he's a pocket passer, you're not going to be taking off successfully too often.

The drop back is nice, and the new receiver unlit/lit system for when they're looking is nice. You can't force things that aren't there all the time.

Comeback routes work properly now, if you time them right you can tear defenses up.

The new passing system for leading the receiver is also an excellent edition. It gives you a lot more control versus the old system. It seems more realistic.

First of all I want to say I love whoever redid the defensive system. Not only do players hand off zones like they should, but the zones are linked to parts of the field, NOT the players. This way you don't have a standard zone cover 2 play called with all your LBers covering the same small piece of field in the middle, I've wanted this for YEARS!

The read and react system is also very nice. It really makes the defense play realistically, and you'll have to learn when to play zone and when to play man.

The blitzes are also a ton better. It's easier to see the results of a hurried QB, or a good blitz getting to the QB faster. There is a lot less suction on the offensive linemen. If they miss the defender, he's going straight to the QB.

Special Teams:
Really like the improvements to the return game. It felt like the players stayed in their zones better, and the blocking was better was well.

I don't like the old flip-a-stick kicking system. I'd rather aim and then use the meter. It would be nice if they added a drift system like the use to have on your aiming with that system to make it a bit more intense and difficult. Flip-a-stick is easy FGs all day long. They're hard to screw up.
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