06-14-2012, 06:03 PM
The Designated Hitter
OVR: 20
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Kansas
Posts: 3,353
Re: New CPU vs CPU Option Gameplay (Army vs Navy)
The QB just makes horrible decisions on pitches. He pitches it when he shouldn't nearly all the time.
For example: Look at 2:50. The QB should have never pitched it there. He should have cut up field and followed his blockers. But instead he pitches it to the RB.
At 3:15, however, he did make the correct pitch, but the RB decided not to catch it for some reason. That might have gone for some decent yards.
Oh well, I just wont schedule any option teams this year, again. Luckily for me, I play mostly in the Big 12 and nobody runs the option exclusively there anymore.
I DO like the ESPN wipe this year though.
"Baseball is the coolest sport because, at any moment, the catcher can stop the game and go tell the pitcher a secret" - Rob Fee