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Old 06-15-2012, 02:23 AM   #1173
Spanky's Arena
OVR: 22
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: I'm with Leather, at Plato's Retreat
Re: NCAA Football 13 Demo Is Out, Post Your Impressions Here

Finally got around to playing a couple of games of the demo (which speaks volumes of how my anticipation level for this title has waned).

Overall, I'm just not feeling it. NCAA Football 11 was perhaps my favorite game of all-time. And what they've done to this title since then is a crying shame.

First off, the graphics aren't as good as 11. I've played the two day matchups. Jaggies galore around the shadows (it was like I was playing the MLB 2k series). Jaggies in the stadiums, too.

Something isn't right about the lighting either. Can't put my finger on it. Maybe too bright? Gives it sort of a cartoonish feel.

As far as gameplay, pass rush is too strong, receivers drop too many balls and there are far too many CPU picks. These things, however, might be remedied with sliders.

Too many studio updates. They really overdid it here. Makes you want to skip every one.

Commentary is slightly better, but still dull and uninspired. It's time for a change here, guys.

I'm seriously thinking about canceling my pre-order with Amazon, even though I got it for something like $36, following a $10 credit of some sort. It's a good price for a game, but if your heart isn't in, it's not worth your valuable time.

But I'll wait for credible reviews and feedback as we near the release, and then make my decision.
It's on me. I shook his hand too hard. It was a hard ... kind of a slap-shake.

"What? You can't challenge a scoring play?''
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