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Old 07-01-2012, 06:03 PM   #40
OVR: 31
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Re: NHL 13 Screenshots - Dynamic Goalies

Originally Posted by bwiggy33
I'm not even talking about playing as the goalie. I never have and most likely never will because it doesn't do a very good job of depicting a goalie and how they play. I'm specifically just talking about the goalies in the actual gameplay. Have you ever watched the goalies move in this game? It's an utter joke. Just gliding and warping across the crease. They stop on a dime and just move every part of their body with 0 momentum or effort. Looks and plays terribly. That's the major problem with the goalies. Sure there are other issues but if they are fixing the limbs or whatever on the goalies now, it seems like they should be able to stay focused on fixing other parts of the goalies as well.

Now for Rogie he plays as the goalie if I'm not mistaken so obviously this affects him as well.
Again I'll ask, does the new skating engine affect tenders as well? If so it'll make a huge difference. Or should in theory.

Hockey is without a doubt the toughest game to emulate in video game form, add in all the limiting factors of consoles with 512 megs of ram, 10 month yearly dev cycles, resources etc etc.

Goaltenders in EA's game are obviously not 100% realistic, and honestly, they prolly never will be. They are however functional and believable imo for the most part. And appear to be getting alot of love this year along with AI really in general that was long overdue.

We're never going to get perfection, it's just not going to happen.
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