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Old 07-03-2012, 08:58 AM   #59
OVR: 6
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Johnson City TN
Re: Blocking like this really scares me in NCAA13

Seeing this video brings a basic question to mind - does the software pre-determine the play outcome, then attempt to match an animation with that pre-determined outcome? If so, then the apparent total ignoring of the onrushing defensive player makes more sense and the animation chosen just happens to make the two blockers look foolish.

However, if the action is supposed to be "real-time", then there certainly is a problem with two blockers just watching a defender rush by them.

If the software pre-determines the play outcome for every game situation, then there will be some animations which don't seem to make sense, because there are a limited number of available animations and there are limitations in the software related to choice of the best possible animation to reflect a particular situation.

I have read some other threads related to so-called "real-time physics". Perhaps real-time-physics would address this issue dofferently.
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