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Old 07-12-2012, 04:10 PM   #2
TigerRag's Arena
OVR: 4
Join Date: Jun 2010
Re: Official Road To Glory Thread

I started a balance QB and went to Michigan. I started one game in my first season and that was against Ohio State AT Ohio State because Denard went down with a week injury and it was definitely tough. I think I had 2 fumbles 2 picks but two TD passes. Our defense kept us in the game and we won 23-17. We finished the season with three losses including one to Utah in our bowl game by three points. We lost to Michigan State by three, Nebraska by one, and Utah by three.

Season two and I am the starter. I'm putting up decent numbers and we are ranked #4 in the country. We face an A+ rated Notre Dame team and we won by the skin of our teeth. That defense was TOUGH. I was MVP as I hit some very clutch throws.

We go into our third game against a poorly rated UCONN team which I definitely underestimated. I had 2 picks and 2 fumbles and in the third quarter we were down 35-14. Terrible. Coach started dialing up 4 verts cheese (I can't change plays, audible, or even hot route yet) and we ended up winning 38-35. I didn't really like how we won considering it was 4 verts cheese, and I considered turning off my xbox and simming the game but we would have won in the rematch because of the rating differential. Next time coach starts only calling 4 verts i'm just going to sim the rest of the game.

Looking forward to our next game though. I'm having fun even though the gaining Coach's trust is hard for me.
"When Clemson players rub that rock and run down the hill, its the most exciting 25 seconds in college football."
Brent Musberger, ABC Sports
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