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Old 07-18-2012, 12:42 AM   #2
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StoneCalf's Arena
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Re: Coaching Contracts OFF effect on coach prestige?

Unless they have changed if from NCAA '12, success will not improve coach prestige. (X360 version)

I am only a few games into my NCAA '13 dynasty (X360 version), but on my '12 Alabama dynasty, with coaching contracts turned "OFF", I went 49-6 over four years, claiming 3 SEC titles and 1 National Championship, and my created coach started at "D" prestige and stayed at "D" prestige. No improvement despite a great record. This was disappointing, however it was not a gamebreaker for me, as my sustained success meant I could still recruit competitively because my grades were strong in enough other categories.

On a side note, NCAA '12 was my first year on a next gen platform solely due to the fact that, as far as I know, there was no option to turn contracts "OFF" until the NCAA '12 version. Before I just stayed with PS2 versions that you could turn the contracts "OFF". Being able to turn contracts "OFF" has been a very crucial option for me in my NCAA dynasties over the years.

I realize this isn't a direct answer to your question, but it may lend some insight. Hopefully someone far enough into '13 can confirm the answer.
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