07-19-2012, 12:23 PM
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Location: Winnipeg, MB
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Re: NHL 13 GM Connected Details Arrive Next Week, What Are You Hoping For?
One thing I wonder is how similar this is going to be to Madden's Connected Careers mode. For the most part I like what I've seen out of that. I just hope NHL isn't removing features like they are.
If NHL can accomplish getting the sense of being in an actual living and breathing league, that will be a huge step forward from where we've been with Be A GM.
It would also be nice if the CPU teams start identifying what they are through the course of a season. For example teams like the Blue Jackets being a rebuilding team, the Pens being a championship contender, etc. If they were to add that and have the CPU AI construct their teams and make moves according to that, it would add so much more depth and replayability to GM mode.