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Old 07-25-2012, 01:24 AM   #85
Madden Dev Team
DeuceDouglas's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Video: Playbooks 5 & 6: Connected Careers

Originally Posted by goravens2052
Exactly. Online people just don't get it, Josh Looman doesn't get it. Online gaming is nice and all but don't pretend that every person plays online. It seems that Josh is pretending that everyone plays Online, and just because they don't want to do more work, they just combine everything into one mode because it's easier. Yeah Offline and Online has different coding, so what big deal. Plus it's not our fault that EA released Online Franchise so bare in the beginning when they shouldn't have made it with it lacking so much.

Honestly, I think it has gotten to the point where offline doesn't even matter anymore and that Offline to them is a thing in the past and they have this odd theory that everyone is playing online when in reality not everyone plays online.

Everyone is gushing over CCM and we all know that you will all see the point us offline folks have been making about lack of user control. So don't bother flip flopping and asking for the ability to edit when you have said you don't need it or anything. Trust me, I expect a lot of flip floppers after everyone plays it.
I don't think many people will be flip flopping. You won't find many people that are absolutely against the missing the features being in the game.

I love editing players. Does it suck it's not in the game? Yeah. Will it detract from my CCM experience? Probably a little bit. Is it going to completely hinder my ability to enjoy playing multiple seasons? No way.

If NCAA imports were implemented better, I'd probably buy NCAA and have simultaneous season's going on. Come August and September I'll be enjoying several seasons of offline franchise.
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