Thanks very much for that!!
My figures (I'm only doing batting) are quite similar to yours, so at least I know I am not completely off the mark with my formulas etc. especially seeing as this is my first go at this.
Michael Bourn
(mine - yours)
ConR 90 -- 76
ConL 85 -- 56
PowR 23 -- 22
PowL 20 -- 25
Bunt 28 -- 27
Dbnt 33 -- 62
Visn 44 -- 54
Disc 47 -- 64
Clut 90 -- 72
Dura 94 -- 98
Spd 86 -- 97
Reac 49 -- 84
Fld 96 -- 81
BrAb 82 -- 83
BrAg 87 -- 90
Like I said above, I am struggling with the Arm Accuracy/Strength and I am really not sure what to do with that.
I've updated a few teams with my ratings and played some games but I guess I really need to just go the whole hog now, although I may just wait until the end of the regular season before I start this.
I suspect I will be constantly tinkering with my calculator between now and then anyway!!