I believe he used my base file from May 5th. That file had EVERY AAA batter on May 5th. It has more than 150 top prospects alone. There are no A players, and very few AA players. That would be nearly inconceivable here with what little attention this forum gets, unlike our PS3 brethren.
Some of the things, like Maholm or Hairston, mentioned above would take EONS to get 100% correct. But my file has more than 500 RE-named fake players and Drastic has added a BUNCH of new ones, including Ben Sheets. If you can vouch for my roster files, which were downloaded to around 30,000+, and the top rated files on 2K Share, what Drastic did was fix a lot of the ratings and added some more players.....this is BY FAR the single best file on 2K Share right now. The little things you guys see are easy fixes that you can do.
I don't want to tout anything, but since people are asking, I felt compelled to respond. Grab his file...you won't regret it. Best available, for sure.