Ball weight is adjusted (slightly heavier) and is near perfect IMO. He also says he removed all scripting. I know he did that with PES 2011 because I used his patch and it was like night and day, he saved that game for me. I've played a few games on SS and haven't seen anything resembling scripting, so I'd say he accomplished what he claims. Only thing is I have nothing to compare that to as I haven't played the demo without his patch, and some people are saying the scripting was toned way down anyway. He also worked on fixing the issue with player switching, but I play with a fixed cursor so whatever the issue is doesn't affect me.
BTW, his last update doesn't work for me, it crashed the game. He's left the Evo-Web forum for a while and nobody knows if or when he plans on fixing it. Use his earlier patch if you have the same issues I had, that one works fine.