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Old 08-15-2012, 03:37 PM   #308
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VDusen04's Arena
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Re: NBA 2K13 Features 92 Dream Team (With Barkley, No Pippen) & 2012 Olympic Team

Originally Posted by Mintsa
This whole Pippen thing might only be a 92 dream team exclusion. Pastapadre has an article about this release and says that Barkley is on the 92 team but not on any classic teams....

If I was to guess right now....I would say Pippen is on the classic Bulls teams but not on the 92 team and Barkley is only on the 92 team but not any classic teams.

Who knows ??....A lot can happen between now and October.
That's a good point. There's obviously still a lot of unanswered questions but from the small bit of information we know (or think we know), the article stating Barkley will appear for the USA but not classic teams seems to suggest they're separate entities in terms of name rights (which would sort of make sense, since one would be through the NBA and the other not).

Naturally, if that was in fact the case, I think the next question would be what might prevent users from simply adding Pippen to the Dream Team themselves, or adding Chuck to classic teams? Will transactions be locked with the Dream Team? Will players be editable? I'll be curious to find out.
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