They have our money, the jokes on us if they don't fix it. How many of us have spent hours trying to find workarounds for these issues? Free Beta testing from gamers like me who have bought every NCAA back to Bill Walsh. That's over $1,000 just on NCAA football. I probably know more about the series, features, and how the sliders work than the people working on the game. I really don't think the jokes on them.
Like I said, these are two easy fixes that would basically take the rating from a 4 in my book up to an 8.5 or higher. All they have to do is disable the AI agressive pass coverage gameplan so the defense on AA and Heisman uses the same safety logic as Varsity, and use the AA logic for AI field goals in relation to distance and the title immediately goes from basically unplayable to very good. Probably a total of 1 hour of work if I had to guess.
The Logic for both fixes is already developed all they have to do is look at the code for Varsity and make that applicable in regards to Safety play and FG's on Heisman and the game shines.