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Old 08-23-2012, 01:28 AM   #39
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illwill10's Arena
OVR: 31
Join Date: Mar 2009
Re: Breaking Down Madden: The Run Game

For me it is not just getting the Physics right so you cant put a K/P on the line without consequence, or adding better Interaction animations, it is revamping the AI(not just for the OL/DL).

The AI in this game is horrible. Adding Traits isnt enough, to make players play like themselves or smarter. Players run with Tunnel Vision and dont use special moves, OL doesnt pick up defenders that right in front of them if someone is blitzing, Playcalling by CPU AI is bad and they dont adjust to what is going on in the game. It isnt a bad game, but it isnt a simulation football game that everyone wants. It feels scripted at times.
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