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Old 08-23-2012, 04:20 AM   #133
OVR: 21
Join Date: Apr 2004
Re: Madden 13 PS Vita Demo Available Now, Post Impresssions

Originally Posted by moose1619
Has anyone watched the intro video on the vita, if you just let the game sit there at the start screen? Man it details some game features and shows more gameplay footage. I am even more impressed with this. Also there were no refs in the demo version but in the footage shown in the intro video it shows refs on the field and I even think I saw a chain gang. If you haven't watched it yet I highly recommend it.
I don't know man.. I just watched it and it looks too its the console version. 3D grass.

maybe it was an internal early place holder concept video until they had the Vita version up and running...

you see how when they show the touch screen hot routes, it looks different that what it looks like in the demo?

so yeah, looks great...but I'm leaning more to it being console 12 or 13 footage.

(although I didn't spot #s on the sideline players, similar to the Vita demo.)

edit- does that camera view in the intro look compared to the Vita Demo and the console versions?

Last edited by Afrikan; 08-23-2012 at 04:23 AM.
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