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Old 08-24-2012, 03:17 AM   #3
OVR: 5
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Tampa, FL
Re: I want to but I just don't know

Originally Posted by Blast1021
When I get my chance on Madden's past I'm always building teams with a fantasy draft and playing either off/online. It's pretty much ALL I DO!!! Since there will not be any fantasy draft included this year, is there anything that can persuade me on getting this game?!? From playing the demo, I want to get the game. But without fantasy, I see no point. Whether NBA, NHL, or NFL I'm always doing a fantasy draft. So should I save or just go for it?!?
1.Connected Careers seems like a very in depth Head Coach 09 style mode, but with improvements.
2.Physics I shouldn't have to say much for this I think it speaks for itself.
3.Pass trajectory's has really made for a much more realistic and fun passing experience.
4.Presentation has really improved with a much better cast of commentary.
5.Quicker play action combined with being able to pull out of a play action animation.

Those would be my top 5 reasons to get this game. Obviously there is more to it and I probably missed a few points, but I think those reasons alone are plenty enough to warrant a buy for Madden 13.
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