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Old 08-28-2012, 05:08 PM   #5
Instant C1a55ic
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Re: Madden worth it?

Originally Posted by TheRealPNasty
I'll be honest I haven't purchased or played Madden since Shaun Alexander graced the cover, never really liked the way it played on 360. DJM but I've always preferred NCAA football better.

So I say all that to say this, is Madden 13 worth purchasing or should I skip another year?

Loaded question, and you will get tons of different answers. Here is my 2 cents:

CCM is bugged, i mean its like a roach infestation. Here is what i gathered so far:

-Depth Chart issues EX: the cpu will switch the LT and RT simply because the LT is higher ovr and vise versa.

- You cant save your scheme changes in the Coach side of CCM

- Duplicate jersey numbers can happen when you trade someone to your team that already has a dedicated number.

- CPU will run A LOT. I stopped playing after 5 games as this became annoying. They would run 6-7 times in a row.

-SIM stats are terrible. If you have 15 minute quarters i have seen a RB run for over 500 yards in a single game.

Those are just a few issues with CCM and those are what have caused me to neglect getting it till a patch comes out. Keep in mind if you have access to the internet, online CCM i read has a few of these issues already fixed.

If you prefer just "play now" then you are golden, the game feels great and provides me with a great challange. I however am a "franchise" guy and dont really have a dedicated internet connection as i use my phone as a wifi adapter. I simply cant keep my phone screen on for 6-7 hours
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