08-31-2012, 12:46 AM
Madden 2013 "Official" Team Building Guide
Hello fellow OS Gamers!
I've decided to make a complete-ish team building strategy guide full of tips on how to build successful teams through free agency, drafting, and trading.
I've made a similar guide a few years back and it got some... reviews. Haha... it's something I like to do to help my fellow gamers and give back to the community who work tirelessly on making games better. If anybody wants to help, shoot me a PM and I'll give you the info that you'll need to develop a uniform way to construct this massive document to help others.
It should also serve as a scouting report of such to build a game plan not only to an airtight game strategy, but an airtight Dynasty.
Thanks in advance for all those who wish to volunteer and those who are interested in such a document.
Best regards and happy hunting!