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Old 09-03-2012, 04:30 AM   #2
OVR: 5
Join Date: Jun 2003
Re: No Huddle "Glitch" Costs Guy the Game

Yeah I just saw this and did an experiment online while playing a guy and I can call a play and get the play off 2 seconds faster than running the no huddle. LOL. Isn't the no huddle just that a no huddle causing people to have to rush to get there defense set up. It just seems like the no huddle gives too much of an advantage to the defense and simply doesn't make since for a team like Oregon to run it. LOL that's a crazy funny story. Been there though. Its a little frustrating, but I have truly learned not to call no huddles at the end of the half or game. Thanks for the laugh though at someone elses expense. ROFL!
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