I don't think EA has a conspiracy or anything like this with Josh Looman at the helm. I do think the previous years 'control' was an issue. They did seem to be trying to control how we played the game.
I would say M13 is the way it is, lacking some features that were there last year due to the brand new physics engine and the hard work they put in, in giving us an awesome foundation.
Josh Looman did say in one of the playbook videos that he hopes this is the foundation for the next 10 years. I don't think this means hack and slash what we like.
Myself I look forward to Josh implementing the offline multiplayer mode (aka old skool franchise now CC) for us off liners to play.
the question is why am I not just playing CC online? I have tried in the past to use the EA servers and it always seemed to me to be laggy and buggy. I don't want to waste my time trying to play a game waiting on their servers.
So I do expect them to satisfy my offline view. I understand that they want us all online, but truely and honestly, I think I am not alone there are a lot of people whom like offline CC/franchise mode's.
Broadcast mode, was awesome. I always loved watching the CPU play another team during the season. I could scout etc. I look forward to broadcast mode and watching other teams during the year play either other offline as I have in the past.
If this is not implemented next year, then you can bet they are not listening, but I believe in Josh Looman and believe he wants to keep us happy.