09-07-2012, 09:32 AM
Its neither fact nor fiction.
I agree that Madden 13 on the field is the best effort for EA in a while. Ive skipped alot of years so I cant compare Maddens yearly releases. I can only compare gameplay with the verisons that Ive owned from the past.
I agree with what Jayson said about the weightless, exaggerated player movement, outlandish Monday Night Raw collisions and inhuman limb contortions created by the new Infinity Engine. It would have been niice to see injuries tied into these inhuman limb contortions.
Its unfortunate that EA didnt test this game more before release. It seems as though, EA needs a solid expereinced qc team. The bugs, and game play features that get by are really head scratchers.
a quick example, which happens to bother me alot is: How does one give camera options to quick game modes, and not offer it in on line or off line ccm mode. They say its becuase of server issues in head to head competition, thast fine, but wouldnt smomeone in the decision making process still include it in the off line ccm mode. There are still more off line gamers than on line.
excluding a basic season or mutli-season mode, while revamping fracnchise mode was also a huge misstep.
Presentation is solid this year but still incomplete.
Knowing EA theyll somehow take a step back next year by ommitting something that has potential t in this years version.