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Old 09-07-2012, 03:29 PM   #9
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: CA
Re: NBA 2K13: More Advanced Stats Are Needed

Great article...

Play per possession by play type and advancing the shot chart/sig skills should definitely be the next steps for this game.

There isnt much that seperates most players in each position, every Pg Sg Sf Pf or C kind of has the same "game", its just that some players are more likely to score or be successful playing that game. You can see this whenever you work hard to get a star in foul trouble, only to get destroyed by his back up as if the star player never left. (especially if its that "time" for the cpu to go on a run.)

Right now we cant really use real life strategies in the game becuase the game doesnt always play by those rules.

I think we are off to a nice start with the shot charts/sig skills and tendencies, but I think gameplay at its core isnt going to get much better until they go into overdrive and really focus on having each player stay true to his abilities and role on the team.

Something as simple as the cpu never ever passing the ball to Dwight Howard 20ft away from the rim, or major changes like Chris Paul passing out of pick n rolls early in games then looking to score in the 4th. Thats a lot of information it put into the game, but no matter what animations or skills they give us it wont completely translate until they better utilize advanced stats.
Did this dude just did this?
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