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Old 09-08-2012, 04:03 AM   #1
Obnoxious's Arena
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Virginia
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Pass Defense & Quarter Length

Has anybody noticed the defense plays differently depending on the quarter length?

I know obviously the shorter the length, the less yards you give up; that's not exactly true.

On 8 minutes with no cutoff, 12 minutes with 25 second cutoff, and 15 minutes with 15 second cutoff, all gets you roughly around 120 plays game.

On 8 minutes, it seems the CPU can never get a drive going like in Madden 12. Basically 3 and outs then scoring on 2 minute offense. In 15 minutes, the CPU actually has drives, but the receivers are always open. The scoring and everything is close to perfect as statistics go, but the CPU will throw 300+ yards a game no matter who you play. On 12 minutes, the passing problem is solved and the CPU still has good drives but they never score any touchdowns. I just played the Patriots who you would think would score a lot, beat me with 8 field goals.

Maybe I'm wrong, but the quarter length seems to effect the sliders, gameplay, AI, or something and I can't get it right.

My reaction time is 47. I'm currently using the 12 minutes. Should I increase it or decrease?

Can somebody explain to me what the reaction time even affects?
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