09-08-2012, 06:38 AM
Re: What Does MLB 13 The Show Need to do Next Year to Satisfy Your Baseball Gaming Ne
I think the game primarily needs refinement, and I can provide many examples that others already have. All fielders make players above their level of ability, so you really can't appreciate those who are stand outs. Basically all pitchers are dominating above rookie level on the default sliders to all but very serious vets of the game. I think everyone here gets that idea. BTW, Curveballs are INSANELY effective, regardless of the pitchers ratings, but sliders are horribly weak by comparison.
The game needs to be a little bit easier. I'm a lifetime veteran of real and virtual baseball, and have talked it with well known college managers etc. I should be able to handle the game on Hall of Fame without insane slider boosts (hell, I can barely handle it on hall of fame at all).
However, there are a couple of ideas I recommend (I don't even mind if you directly lift them). They primarily have to do with scouting and should be applied for RTTS and Franchise etc. First off, we need to be able to scout pitchers like in the real big leagues. Before you face a starter, there should be some little dossier or file on them. Ya know, they have a tendency of blank fastballs on x 3-1 counts with 2 men on etc etc. Also, an explanation of short ideas to use against em, be more patient, watch for late count hanging curves etc, would be nice.
And since the unique umps are a feature, why are we not getting info on them? We need a mini scouting system on the umps in here. It exists informally in the big leagues, but why not jot a few notes down for us on these virtual umpires?
One more quick thing, why not allow us to create our own batting stances? And it'd also be great if we could decide to move our RTTS hitters up or back in the box, even if we can't make up our own stances!