09-09-2012, 02:00 PM
Re: NBA 2K13 Gameplay Video - Los Angeles Lakers vs. Miami Heat
Passing is worse than in the gamescon videos, looks exactly like 2K12, still too much floating passing, unrealistic passing motion, you don't see any wrist-snapping.
Set offense was absolutely horrible by LA. Too much wasted and unnecessary movement, players running up to a team-mate and giving them the ball too many times instead of just passing it to them, can't see any drop-off passes.
Crowd still constantly acting bananas instead of acting like a real crowd.
Nash never seemed to actually go around a pick and attack the defence or run a pick and roll.
They still don't have continuation, Lebron drew a blocking foul and the play should have been dead there, he can't just take a few extra steps and attempt a layup and shoot free throws.
At about 6 minutes, Lebron could never spin that fast, he doesn't have the agility, maybe a prime Wade, but definitely not Lebron. Funny how people go crazy about the Lebron spin and then reminisce and compare it to doing the same spin with AI many times. Shouldn't that tell you that Lebron shouldn't be able to do it?
Battier doesn't shoot like that, 2K when are you going to get it right?