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Old 09-11-2012, 09:42 AM   #39
prey2god's Arena
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Re: Madden NFL 13 Title Update #2 Available Now

Originally Posted by Christian Antonio
It costs a lot more to put out multiple patches than it does to pay a developer to write those patches. The whole multiple patches to save money is a purely consumer reaction.

It would be fiscally idiotic to release multiple do-nothing patches. It'd be in their best interest to release a single patch fixing everything. Because of demand, they release many, meaning not every big fix can get in before it needs to hit cert in order to go live.

I totally understand the consumer side, but it's only because you don't understand the process, honestly.

So while it may seem like greedy EA is just fooling you into staying fans of the series, it's pretty backwards that EA would waste money on something that really doesn't influence purchase decisions the following year as long as the game wasn't broken after the last patch this year.
Save the semantics. It's not important. Bottom line is they don't care about the consumer. There's no conspiracy behind this theory. This patch was a poor attempt at damage control.
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