It was actually your thread about the pass block glitch and how to mitigate it that led me to testing this out. I wasn't able to reproduce the glitch with the 5 step drop passes that I was testing. It wasn't until I stumbled on certain play combinations that I started triggering the glitch, and those particular examples were shotgun passes with no dropbacks.
I also tried turning the pass blocking slider all the way to 100 to see if that would counter the push off of the DEs. In my testing, there was very little effect. Jason Peters, who is a great pass blocker, was only able to reengage Orakpo after he did the push off glitch maybe 10-20% of the time with the slider cranked up. The rest of the time, Orakpo performed the glitch like normal.
I'm no expert on this issue or these sliders by any means, so if you're seeing results that counter this glitch, that's good news. I just wasn't able to reproduce them myself. But hopefully with people talking about this and trying to find workarounds, EA will get it on their radar and fix whatever's causing it. This and CPU RBs having a hard time running are my biggest pet peeves with the game.