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Old 09-24-2012, 08:12 PM   #283
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Re: FIFA 13 Season Ticket Early Release Impressions

Originally Posted by Broncos86
I turned up passing errors for both sides, and this seems to have two effects on the game:

1) Obviously, the ball is a bit looser now. Both sides, aren't quite so precise with the passing.

2) Because of that, I'm seeing more midfield battles and more fouls. Since players can't just pass around quickly, and more passes are getting intercepted, I'm seeing more scrums for the ball. Because of it, more fouls.

Just my anecdotal evidence.
Going to try this for a while before my early release runs out, might save this game for me. If it does, I'll likely be a PC version buyer (console and PC run on the same engine now, right?)
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