09-26-2012, 07:49 PM
Live your life
OVR: 49
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Vermont
Posts: 23,264
Re: Can You Make It Through This Post Without Wanting To Be In 5th Grade Again?
I can't relate to none of that in that post. My 5th grade consisted of my 1st male teacher, a tall blonde guy named Mr. Turf. He wore glasses, was skinny.
There was no recess at my school, they banned that back when I was in 1st grade. We didn't change class rooms, we stayed in the same room all day. Our math was Pre-Algebra, which I never understood why they called it that because it was freaking Algebra. We didn't have art class. Didn't have a gym room, we had a basement, which also served as our lunch room.
Vast majority of our student body was poor so nobody brought a lunch from home. So I had no idea what a lunch box was until I was in high school. Book fair was a bust, kids was poor therefore nobody bought any books so after a while they banned that too when I was in the 3rd grade.
So yeah 5th grade wasn't fun, it was like freaking high school. Always had a ton of home work every day. Science fair was banned unless you were an honor student and even then it was elective. Because of that you had the same 8 or 13 kids doing it every year.
5th grade was also the year of many 1sts for me.
1st time one of my friends got shot.
1st time one of my friends got hit by a car. But that was his fault for running across the street in the middle of the block.
1st time I had a crazy stalker chick.
1st time I was robbed in broad day light waiting at a cross walk trying to cross the street.
1st time I seen how corrupt the police can be.
1st time I had a male teacher. Before that all my teachers been female.