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Old 09-27-2012, 11:26 PM   #274
bxphenom7's Arena
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Obviously their best technology isn't good enough to make a playable game of basketball. EA, stop bull****ting. At least you know you ****ed up and realize people aren't stupid enough to buy a game from you just because of updated graphics and an EA logo, can't say the same for Madden fans unfortunately. I guess it took them a whole gen to realize gameplay is the core of a great game. I still don't get why they didn't build off of NBA Live 10 or start developing Live 13 as soon as Elite 11 was cancelled. I like how 2k won't let up on the gas, even though there are simple things they seem to overlook in their games. Well, if anything, there's always next-gen. I think the technology will be at a point where developers can't get away with their usual excuses and profit-seeking or holding back for the next year will be exposed much more easily. Honestly, we're paying $, we're not stupid to waste $ for a **** product. It's like game companies forgot how to make money making good games instead of trying every which way to squeeze money out of us smh
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